The Blogging Process and Some Opportunities!

"Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome" -Arthur Ashe, American professional tennis player  

Welcome back or welcome to Adventures at Franklin! Today I wanted to cover my process in writing. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as Adventures at Franklin writer, and I hope this post can help anyone interested in writing a blog, and how to manage and enjoy the process. After, I present some opportunities to current FUS students to make an impact in the community. 

My writing process for Adventures at Franklin is very similar to how I would write a paper. I have a few major steps and here they are. 

1. Pick a topic. 

There are a few ways I pick my topics. The way I decide on the majority of my post topics is through identifying knowledge gaps. When I became the writer for Adventures at Franklin, I looked through all the previous blog posts, and I identified gaps that I could fill or posts that I could update. In other words, I write many of my posts because they provide information about things not previously covered on the blog (i.e. Eating at FUS, Office Hours, How to Save Money at FUS etc. or because I want to update or continue a previous post (i.e. Housing 102, Swiss Cities in DepthFranklin First Impressions 2 etc. 

I will also pick my post topics due to current events happening in the community. I wrote 3 posts documenting how FUS life changed under COVID-19 conditions. I wrote a post about Things to do during long weekends, because it was the long weekend. Another way is also if people ask me to write about something. I am very open to incorporating other voices on this blog, so I very much enjoyed being a part of the process for The Franklin Podcast and the Introducing SGA posts. 

The last way I picked my post topics is simply that I want to write about that given topic. My series Things I wish I knew as a Freshman  was something I wanted to write about to the new generation of FUS students, so they could benefit from my experiences. My series My Favorite Memories at FUS is something I wanted to write to reflect on my time at FUS as I near the end of my FUS life. I wanted to write this post to showcase my writing process etc.

2. Research and gather evidence. The quality of the content is paramount, so I need to do the necessary research to have good quality content. Most of the time I will have my own ideas on the subject I am writing about, but I also always look at what other bloggers and content creators have done as well to see if I can add anything to my own writing. 

3. Organize evidence/main points. I like creating an outline or skeleton of the main points I want to make within the post. I do not always create an outline, as sometimes I just begin writing and the post comes together pretty easily. However, I do like creating initial outlines, leaving them there for a few days, and then coming back and changing the structure once I have had more time to think about it. 

4. Write. Once I have a post topic decided, gathered and organized my evidence, main points, I write and it goes by pretty quickly. If I have planned everything well, then the post comes together very easily.

5. Proofread and finishing touches. I proofread my work a few times, add a thumbnail/photos, add labels/tags, and once I am happy with it, I publish. 

This post has covered my writing process, and as I mentioned in the introduction, here are some opportunities.


To current Franklin University Switzerland students, 

Adventures at Franklin and The Franklin Podcast are looking for student voices and student storytellers, and here is why you should consider sharing your experiences. 

The dynamics at FUS are truly unique. The university is small enough that its students are not just a number in a crowd. As students, we can often achieve, or at the very least have an opportunity to achieve, what we pursue. We have genuine opportunities to have our voices heard, and for our voices to have tangible effects. Consider sharing your voice and continuing to create your Franklin legacy. 

Adventures at Franklin is looking for a new author or authors soon. I graduate in December 2020, and I want to leave this blog in the hands of the next generation of FUS students. This blog is a wonderful platform to express creativity, share and reflect on your experiences, and help new students interested in FUS. I took on the challenge of creating content for this blog predominantly by myself, but I have always hoped for this blog to be a platform for different student voices. I would love to see the legacy of Adventures at Franklin continue, and for it to provide the opportunity for any students who wish to contribute their voices. 

The Franklin Podcast is also looking for a new host or hosts. Like Adventures at Franklin, the podcast is a platform through which students can use their voices to share their stories. I have long advocated for an auditory medium to showcase FUS students, and I (among many) would like to see the podcast continue. 

If interested in either opportunity, then please let myself or Carisa know. You can leave a comment on this post, send us an email, or come speak to us if you see us on campus. This university is small remember, so it is not difficult to find us. Your Franklin University Switzerland experience is what you make of it, and here is a chance to add another chapter in your story.

A presto,


P.S. As of next week, all classes will be online as was the case during the first COVID-19 wave during spring. I have already written relatively extensively about the online class experience and lockdown experience, both of which you can find in the archives of this blog from March 2020. All I wanted to add is: I hope everyone is responsible, follows the rules, and stays healthy. Stay safe.  

P.P.S. No post next week! I am taking a week off to write my senior thesis, and to work on my next post which will cover Fall 2020 Academic Travels for the week after! 14.11.2020, save the date. 


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