The Franklin Podcast!

"Through this project, we could create a new forum for the exchange of innovative ideas from our own students, an outlet to voice students concerns and a medium through which we can propose new solutions." Carisa Villela and Joe Tally-Foos, FUS Podcast Creators. 


Welcome back or welcome to Adventures at Franklin! This blog was created in 2013, features over 118 posts about life at Franklin University Switzerland (FUS), yet has rarely ventured beyond the medium of writing. I have long been an advocate for creating a different medium that allows students' voices to be heard, so I am happy for the launch of a podcast series at FUS, and I am even happier to feature this podcast on Adventures at Franklin! This new project is created and run by our very own: Carisa (Class of 2021) and Joe (Class of 2020). Here are the thoughts of the creators...

"The goal of this project is to produce a podcast that introduces the student body to the projects that this summer’s scholarship recipients organized. The goal of these projects in general, (is) to create and foster a sense of community amongst Franklin students. Therefore, one desire for the project is that it serve as an emulsifier to try to bind the different groups on campus and establish a more cohesive or whole sense of belonging to Franklin. Through this project, we (can) create a new forum for the exchange of innovative ideas from our own students, an outlet to voice students concerns and a medium through which we can propose new solutions. This way, students can find and nurture a sense of pride and belonging, as well as find another venue for support.”

“For the summer in particular, we are focusing on interviewing the students who led summer projects. The interviews consist of discussions about that student’s project, encompassing topics such as what drew the student to begin their project, what challenges they have overcome in doing their project, their progress, and what they have learned or experienced through undertaking said project."

And here is episode 1:


DISCLAIMER: at 5:57, there is a RIP headphone users moment because I am dumb and forgot to edit the sound quieter. My bad!

Episode 2 will drop soon, so stay tuned! Until then, you can listen to episode 1 again here:

A presto,




In case you are new to this blog, Adventures at Franklin was created in 2013 by a student named Jessica. The blog was initially meant to be a tool for her to share her experiences and answer questions from prospective students. Since then, it's become all that and more. With topics ranging from campus resources and professors to academic travel and weekend getaways, Adventures at Franklin is a resource for prospective and current students, families, and anyone else who is interested in FUS.

There have been 6 different writers over the years (including yours truly), and there are so many great posts about life at FUS. I wanted to give 2 quick shoutouts. 


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