Academic Travel Stories! Fall 2020

Welcome to or welcome back to Adventures at Franklin! Another Academic Travel period has come and gone, which means an Adventures at Franklin tradition returns: Academic Travel Stories (Fall 2020 edition). Due to the second wave, many travels had to stay in Switzerland. Nonetheless, students were able to travel in some capacity! In this post, I interviewed several people from several Academic Travels to share their stories and adventures from their travels. 

Interviewee #1: Lily Pifferini-Carter from Bend, Oregon. I'm an Environmental Science Major with an SJS minor graduating in Spring 2021. 

  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go?

My academic travel this semester was Alpine Ecosystems with Professor Hale and we went to Chamonix, France

  •  Describe your course in 1 sentence.

In this course we learn about, and often see with our own eyes, the ecosystem changes that are occurring in the European Alps and seek to understand what this magnificent landscape may hold for us in the future.

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?

My favourite day on travel has to be when we were working with CREA (a local science organization that studies Climate Change in the Chamonix-Mont Blanc area). We were working with a community to identify and map invasive plant species and several community members joined us and led small groups on hikes around the area. My group was led by an older man named Jean, he was in his late sixties and had lived in the community for his whole life. As we walked in the forests, along the river and through the small alpine villages he was telling us stories about his life and what it was like living in the shadow of Mont Blanc. For me, this was the epitome of academic travel and also as an Environmental Scientist, the essence of why protecting these landscapes is so important. 

  • What was the best food you ate?

Since Chamonix is a very popular tourist town, as well as home to many expats there is a wide variety of choices. However, since baguettes rule all in France, I have to say my favorite food was a baguette sandwich I got at a morning bakery. After a long day of hiking, to me, it had to be the best lunch on earth.

More photos from Lily's adventure!

 Interviewee #2: Lara Decastecker, I’m from Ohio in the United States and my intended graduation year is 2023. I’m most likely be graduating with an International Relations major and a major or minor in Sustainability and Social Justice.

Lara's adventures!
  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go?

My Academic Travel Course was Central Europe: an Urban History. I ended up going to Zurich (staying in the hotel there) and 4 other Swiss cities (Schaffhausen, Stein an Rhein, Winterthur, and St. Gallen) They were very different in their own ways. We were supposed to go to Munich and Nuremberg but because of COVID-19, the plans changed.

  • Describe your course in 1 sentence.

A palimpsest of architecture and history.

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?

My favorite activity was exploring new Swiss cities on a day of nice weather. St. Gallen, our last day, was particularly gorgeous. Furthermore, going to see the Abbey Library in St. Gallen was a really cool opportunity.

  •  What was the best food you ate?

The first dinner I had with the group was delicious. We were able to order an appetizer (pumpkin soup), a main meal (i had meatloaf) and a really interesting desert that included ice cream. It was all lovely!

Interviewee #3: Angelica Berrios-Nieves. From Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico. I am graduating 2023. I am a Communication and Media Studies major.

  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go?

I was on VCA 120T: Documentary Photography on Location which was taught by Professor Fassl. My class and I went to Winterthur and St. Moritz.

  • Describe your course in 1 sentence.

Capturing the beauty that Switzerland has to offer.

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?

I enjoyed our visit to the Street Photography exhibit in Winterthur and our only “group” dinner during the last night of travel. (we all sat in separate tables of four #COVID)

  • What was the best food you ate?

I ate this amazing bratwurst and rösti at an Italian restaurant in St. Moritz oddly enough.

More photos from Angelica's adventures!

Interviewee #4: Camille Lyons, from Vermont US. Class of 2024, SJS Major with Applied Mathematics Minor.


  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go?

 Measuring the Alps, Wangs, and Poschiavo (Switzerland)

  • Describe your course in 1 sentence.

Measuring the Alps is much more of a geography/geology than a math where we focus on how to calculate things like mountain incline and precipitation.

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?
 We took the train up to Alpe Grum to see a glacier and the views were stunning.

  • What was the best food you ate?

The food selection wasn’t amazing but one night I had polenta with roasted vegetables that were delicious.

Interviewee #5: Cam Rodriguez, from New Orleans, class of 2023. IMF major with German and Math minors.

  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go?
AHT 218T, Basel Switzerland. 

  • Describe your course in 1 sentence.

The travel is about maritime economics through seaports and port cities. 

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?

Seeing the city almost through its entirety. 

  • What was the best food you ate?

Honestly, a 10 CHF kebab.  

Interviewee #6: Juliana Arnold. From Dallas, TX. Graduating in Spring 2021. Social Justice and Sustainability major and French minor. 

  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go?

POL376: International Environmental Politics. We went to Zermatt, Grindelwald, and Zurich.

  • Describe your course in 1 sentence.

My course looks at the interactions between politics and environmental issues, and how policies can implement proper environmental regulations for a more sustainable world.

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?

My favorite moment on travel was going to the Matterhorn on the first day in Zermatt. I loved being able to hike around the area and see such an iconic landscape. It was so gorgeous and the group was incredible!

  • What was the best food you ate?

My favorite food on travel was fondue while we were in Zermatt.

Some photos from Juliana's adventures!

Interviewee #7: Luciana Vazquez, from Paraguay. Graduating in Spring 2021. Double major in International Economics with political economy and Social Justice and Sustainability. Minors in French and Postcolonial Studies. 

  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go?

 TVL 358--Consensual Democracy and Swissness. We visited St Gallen, Appenzell and Interlaken, and all around Switzerland. 

  • Describe your course in 1 sentence.

The course explained with great specificity, examples and visits, the core of understanding Switzerland and its working systems! 

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?

My favorite moment was when we had cheese fondue in Interlaken in our last day! It was the most Swiss we could ask for after a day of hiking around Interlaken! 

  • What was the best food you ate?

 Fondue!!! And cakes in St Gallen!! 😋

Luciana's adventures!

Interviewee #8: Rim Maslouh. From Morocco. Class of 2023. Major: ENY and Psychology with a French minor

  • What is your Academic Travel Course, and where did you go? 


  • Describe your course in 1 sentence.

It was interesting yet disappointing for not being able to go to Spain.

  • What was your favorite moment/activity over travel?

Going to Isola Bella.

  • What was the best food you ate?

Risotto and Gnocchi with pumpkin sauce from a Michelin star rated restaurant.

Photos from Rim's adventure!

And that is it for Academic Travel Stories Fall 2020! If you're interested in more Academic Travel stories, then check my post on all the previous Academic Travel Stories posts that are on this blog, or my favorite memories from my first 6 travels

See you same place same time next week for another post!

A presto,



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