Useful Free Apps That Every Franklin Student Needs

Ciao amici! 

I’m not here to tell you to download Spotify, the FUS App,  or the SBB App. While those are especially

useful, they’re also obvious. Before I begin, some other obvious and necessary apps are Whatsapp (a

messaging app primarily used everywhere but in the USA) and the Covid Certification App (Swiss QR

code is valid in EU countries as well). This link shows you how to get the QR Code!

Now, here are 7 apps that you may not have heard about that could be extremely useful for your

international college experience! You can save money and more efficiently go about your day :).

  • Opodo

Opodo is probably where you can find the cheapest flights out there. I’ve been able to find $4.99

flights from Vienna to Milan and a $15.99 flight from Milan to London. 

There’s also a “prime deal” you can try out for free for a month that gets you even cheaper flights and

hotel deals. Make sure to cancel the subscription before it’s up though unless you want to pay for it!

Apple link to download. Android link to download.

  • Forest (exception: $1.99)

The concept of the app Forest is to study for short intervals of time and a tree is “planted” after the

interval finishes. However, if you click out of the app the plant will die and your “forest” for the day will

have a dead tree. Every day you start with a new empty field so there’s no need to be discouraged if

this happens or you skip a day or too! 

After using the app a bit you can unlock other types of trees and get more creative. Your forest can

eventually look like this:

I think it’s a pretty neat app that has a good message.

Apple link to download. Android link to download.

  • Honey (it’s a website extension too!)

When Honey is added to your website browser (or you use the app) shopping discounts are

automatically added to your order!

Honey also shows you if the prices of an item have gone down recently or if they’re spiking it. It’s quite

handy so that you can get good deals in the season that the brands have them! 

Can be used on brands such as… Amazon, Nike, Papa John's, J. Crew, Nordstrom, Forever 21,

Bloomingdales, Sephora, Groupon, Expedia (a hotel app),, Crate & Barrel, Finish Line,

and Kohls. 

Apple and android link to download.

  • Adobe Scan

Everyone needs to scan documents/papers every once in and while. When getting your Covid QR

code we had to send our scanned student visa and passport photo so this app was certainly helpful.

Apple link to download. Android link to download.

  • Pinterest 

Many people may use this app simply because they like making various aesthetic “boards” which are

in essence, photo albums. However, the uses for these boards are endless. You can collect inspiration

for a future tattoo and have hundreds of photos collected together without needing to download them

and use up storage. 

Also, you can pick pictures to then use to decorate your room! It’s much cheaper than paying for a

premade collage that you could very much do yourself.

Apple link to download. Android link to download.

  • Too Good To Go

Whether you use this app here in Lugano or when you go back home, it has a good cause

AND saves you money. By using this app you can get cheap meals from nice restaurants that

otherwise would have been throwing away the meal and thus wasting the food.

Apple link to download. Android link to download.

  • AllTrails

For those of you who love hiking and are new to Lugano, this app will map trails for you.

It can be used all over Europe so traveling will be much more stress-free!

Apple link to download. Android link to download.

Well, that's a wrap!

To our next meet-up via the web.

Ci vediamo presto!

(We will see each other soon),



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