Fall 2021 Franklin Survival Guide

Welcome back to Franklin! After the whirlwind of last semester we are back to in-person classes and a flood of freshmen came in— 175 of you guys! Because of this, I felt that a simple 4 step guide may help new and returning students out. If you want to get the most expansive experience here, try to apply some of these tips into your life! 

What kind of friends?

All kinds! Have some party friends but also have friends you can count on for studying with. Have a chill friend you like laying on your bed with while binging a TV show. Also, get some travel friends! Try it all out. 

But.. why not just have a few?

There can be some overlaps of course, but why constrict yourself to only one type of school culture? By figuring out which friends make you feel most comfortable in different environments you can have your needs met more easily! 

But I still like only having a few friends…

I’ve always been the same but even as an introvert, I found a way to open up. Simply look for common interests and bring them up! Lastly, my favorite friendships came from random occurrences and I would not trade them for the world. Just compliment someone and see if a conversation springs up.

Why Ponte Tresa and not downtown Lugano?

Did you know it takes less time to get to the Italian groceries by train than it is to get to those in Switzerland via walking? Seems quite obvious and that’s because it is, but most people walk down for groceries so it’s important to point out. A painful 30 minute walk down for expensive groceries? I’m out.

Thus, save your trouble and give Italy a little visit. The Japanese restaurant Asian Fusion is also wonderful and quite affordable. Feel free to support a family business while you are there and get fantastic Japanese food (which is hard to find near Lugano!)

How to Get There/Trip & Price Logistics

Tigros and Coop are ridiculously close to the border of Italy and in comparison, you can get your groceries for 40% the price of the  Migros and Coop in downtown Lugano. So how will you do this? You can get to Tigros and Coop by taking the train to Ponte Tresa from the Laghetto train station nearby Giardino. The train ride is about 25 minutes long and Ponte Tresa is the last stop. It costs 7CH round trip with the half pass or 14CH without it. 

The Route to Get Into Italy

Once you get off the train simply follow the majority of people going towards the border or pull up maps and search up the groceries. Then you’ll find the border patrol you can simply walk in (easy as that) and then keep walking until you find a larger bridge and actually cross into Italy. Make sure to have someone with data so you don’t get lost!

So… why do this anyways? + an anecdote

As someone with ADHD, I constantly have to change my study space due to getting distracted easily. See, my attention span is only 20 minutes long and if I don’t have something else going on then I will get nothing done. That’s how I work. However, many neurotypical people (those without ADHD, autism, etc) I believe (though I could be wrong) may do better by keeping their study space a constant place so their brain associates it with work. That’s why associating work with your bed can become dangerous because it’s also associated with sleeping. 

So.. if that doesn’t work for you.. what now?

There are always exceptions to the neurodiverse/neurotypical ways a brain can work so maybe you’re the opposite of what I stated and that’s okay. It would make sense for someone with Autism to want to stick with routines and perhaps keeping their study space constant is what works for them. Thus, see what works for you and then continue to do. Work smarter not harder. College is for enjoying yourself, not slaving yourself. No teacher wants that, I can assure you that.


  • Yoga mat (I got mine at Manor on clearance for 18CH!)

  • Posters for your dorm (make it feel homey and express yourself)

Make a habit…

  • Make your dorm an efficient, yet cozy environment

  • Bring your favorite water bottle with you everywhere


  • Have a lanyard or bracelet connected to your keys

  • Find your comfort food (healthy or not!)

Conclusion + Blog Updates

Hey, thanks for sticking around and reading until here! I’m planning to still write articles two to four times a month, but I’d love to get guest contributors on board. No prior experience is extremely needed, just a love for blog writing. If that sounds like you then feel free to send your email of interest to marketing@fus.edu.

To our next meet up via the web!

Ci vediamo presto!

(We will see eachother soon),



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