Why I came to Franklin

"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears" -Nelson Mandela, South African Anti-Apartheid Revolutionary, Political Leader and Philanthropist.
Orientation 2017 (you can see me near the front!)

Welcome back or welcome to Adventures at Franklin! This is my final week at Franklin University Switzerland :O and I wanted to share why I chose FUS, so that any prospective students who are thinking about attending FUS can get an idea about on whether or not to consider FUS. This post was inspired by a post of the same title, written by Jessica (Adventures at Franklin creator). 

Quite simply, I chose Franklin University Switzerland because it fit me and what I wanted from my university experience. 

Firstly, I did not want to be a face in the crowd. Franklin's small student population makes it so every student can stand out if they want to and not just be a number. Professors will know who you are, staff will know who you are, and students will know who you are. I always say Franklin is what you make of it, and you have the ability to make an impact, if you choose to. 

Secondly, I also wanted flexibility in my university life. By studying at Franklin, I am able to obtain a Swiss and American accredited degree, which I know will help me later in life. I am able to study in a liberal arts system where I can mold my studies into what I desired. In fact, I will graduate with an interdisciplinary degree, where I was able to create my own program and decide my own path. Also, I am from Geneva, so I was able to stay close to my home if something drastic ever happened (i.e. COVID-19). However, Lugano is vastly different so I was able to experience a vastly different part of Switzerland. 

Finally, I wanted an experiential learning experience. Learning from a textbook or a professor is great, but actually seeing something in person is an entirely different experience. Academic Travel allowed me to witness firsthand what I had been learning about in the classroom. 

Overall, I am happy I made the decision to spend 3 and a half wonderful years at FUS. There have been tough times along the way. FUS is not perfect, but for what I wanted, it was more than enough. 

We are entering the final week, so good luck to all Franklin students with final exams, presentations, and projects! 
I have a 2 more posts that I want to write, but I will get to that after the end of the semester. There will be no post next week. My next post will be published on Saturday December 19th 2020. I will have graduated by then (crazy!). See you then as I wrap up my time as an FUS student. Take care and stay healthy!

A preso,
P.S. If after reading this you are interested in FUS, then definitely check out my post on the ULTIMATE list of resources of prospective students


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