Welcome Back: Year Two

How did summer go by so quickly?? Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of the autumn time crisp + brightly colored leaves + sweater weather, but this summer went by in the blink of an eye! And here I am again in Lugano, Switzerland! Pinch me! Every time I return I am more and more grateful that I get to live here. It is such a beautiful place and such a unique university experience I mean look at this view ⇣ there are worse ways to conquer jet lag than on the lake in Lugano :)

That being said, sorry for the silence around here! It hasn't been just beaches + sunshine. In fact, things have been pretty crazy as I've been working for Orientation for the incoming students. I had SO much fun (by far one of my best jobs!) but I also have been swamped these last weeks dealing with all the work that goes into planning/executing a successful Orientation. I promise to share more about my experience with Orientation later this week.. So for now here is a beautiful picture of Cattedrale di San Lorenzo in Lugano + an update on all things blogging:
Blog update: This semester I am aiming to write at least once a week, so here is a sneak peek of some posts you can keep an eye out for
- a " How To.. " series to help incoming students get used to life in Lugano
- an in depth explaination of the train system in Switzerland
- a few ideas on sightseeing in Lugano
- an interview with my mom on a parent's perspective of Franklin
- a post all about Swiss chocolate!
- and of course some reviews of my Academic Travel to Slovenia/Croatia/Serbia this October!

But if you have any requests for future posts on some topic you are dying to learn more about or a question you really want answered comment below and I will be sure to get back to you!

Finally, I have written a lot about what it means to be a student at Franklin (you can find past posts here, here, and here) but this video incapsulates the Franklin experience much better than any explanation I could ever give! Seriously it is AMAZING and I can't think of a better way to end my welcome back post! Check it out, you won't regret it ⇣

Oh, and welcome back to Franklin! It is good to be home!!


  1. Hi Jessica!

    My name is Anna and Franklin is for sure my top choice, but as I was looking through tuition and fees recently, I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford it. Do you know of any scholarships or grants I could try and get in order to facilitate getting an education there? I would greatly appreciate absolutely ANYTHING you know.

    1. Hi Anna! Sorry for the late reply!
      I hope that you can find scholarships/grants. My recommendations would be to a) work with the financial aid officers at Franklin, email info@fc.edu and they will put you in touch with the right person! and b) I would recommend applying for federal financial aid, you can find more about that process here: http://www.fc.edu/admissions/financial-aid
      best wishes!


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