Fall 2020 in Review

"We do not learn from experience we learn from reflecting on experience" - John Dewey, American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer.

Welcome back or welcome to Adventures at Franklin! Another semester has come and gone, which means another semester in review post. This semester was extremely unique. In the COVID-19 times, we have had to be flexible. Classes, activities, and events all needed to be a hybrid of virtual and in person, so I think it is only fitting that I split this post into these two sections. 


There were a lot of events just like from years past, but not as many in person. Here are some of the highlights of events that were able to occur in-person. There are a few FUS traditions which I was very happy to see remain. 


The beginning of the semester, when many people were in quarantine, had many events online. The Franklin community really did their best and tried to put together as many events as possible in a virtual space so people would have things to do. Eventually, as the situation worsened in Switzerland, there was a mini-lockdown which put severe restrictions on public gatherings, meaning that events once again moved to the digital realm. Overall, we live in a very challenging time, but I am happy to see the amount of effort put into putting on events. We all needed something every now and then to make staying inside feel different :) 

Here are some cool virtual events from this past semester. 

The FYS showcase this year was also made virtual, so I congratulate the AMs and different FYS for this. As a 2-time former AM, I have no idea how I would have made it virtual so good job. The other big event from this semester that happened was Academic Travel. I am so happy I was able to enjoy 1 final travel. Travels that were supposed to go outside Switzerland/Italy were unable to, but we still managed to travel around Switzerland or Italy, so it's certainly better than nothing. You can read all about Travel Stories in my post about it.

All in all, I spent 7 semesters at FUS, and this past (and my final) semester was a very unique experience. I am lucky that I had great support to push and support me through everything. I anticipate next semester will be similar in some aspects, so I hope the Franklin family continues to support and be kind to one another. 

I have 1 final post that I will write. It will cover my thoughts on graduating, and after that my FUS adventure and my time as Adventures at Franklin writer will end. After next week, Adventures at Franklin will take a break until spring semester, when a new writer will take over. She is wonderful and I cannot wait to see what she has in store for this wonderful platform. However, I still have the reins for one more week ;) So see you next week, take care, and stay healthy :) 

A presto,


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