Fun Facts Friday: Swiss Trivia Edition

Two weeks ago I blogged about the languages of Switzerland and I admitted that I didn't know a whole lot about Switzerland before coming to Franklin College.. As embarrassing as it is to say, I know that many of my fellow incoming freshmen were just as naive as I. So I thought a quick post about some basic Switzerland trivia just might ensure that future students will perhaps arrive at Franklin more informed than I was! ⇡ A MAP OF SWITZERLAND BY CANTON Meaningful Facts: -- Switzerland is comprised of 26 cantons which are kind of like a state in the US. But each of these cantons has their own constitution, legislature, governments, and court. (see above pic!) -- The country code abbreviation for Switzerland is CH, standing for Confederatio Helvetica, the latin name for Switzerland which honors the Helveticans who settled the country back in the day. (and incidentally it also was the inspiration for the Word font "helvetica") -- S...