Holiday Traditions at Franklin & Around Lugano

Lugano's holiday tree in Piazza della Riforma It looks like we've made it to the end of the semester! As the year's end is quickly closing in upon us, I thought I would write a post about what the holiday season is like at Franklin. There are many events celebrated here on campus, in downtown in Lugano and throughout Switzerland. A festive atmosphere and reasons to celebrate can help alleviate the stress of final exams and papers before we all go our separate ways for the holidays. The last few weeks have been full of activity, from day trips to Basel to simple celebrations and reminders of what really matters. Keep reading for a recap of what's been happening at Franklin. Thankful Tuesday - November 22nd Hosted by Franklin's Student Government Association, this event aimed to promote a positive environment where students were able to write thank you notes to other students, professors and staff members. The cards were then delivered to the re...