Goodbye & Hello

Happy New Year everyone! I can hardly believe it's 2015 and that I'm already finished with my 5th semester at Franklin! It was an incredible one, and I am grateful for all the opportunities I had, new friendships I made, and the knowledge I garnered. I especially savored my time in Lugano because, I will not be back at Franklin this January. I am off on a new adventure for the spring semester, but never fear I will be back for Fall 2015, and I'm looking forward to my senior year at Franklin! In the meantime though, I am leaving you all in very capable hands. A wonderful classmate of mine will be taking over this blog next semester and I am excited for her to give you her own perspective on life at Franklin! So everyone, meet Morgan! She is from Boston, Massachusetts and majoring in International Management with an emphasis in Finance. She will be a Junior at Franklin in the spring, but she has spent the last semester studying abroad in the land down ...