
Showing posts from February, 2020

Midterms Week at FUS: 5 Tips for Success!

Welcome back or welcome to Adventures at Franklin! It is midterms week at Franklin University Switzerland. Obviously this week has been a difficult one, and I am planning to write about everything that's transpired, but for now the show must go on. We still have midterms to take, and this week is high-paced and stressful for everyone. Our time and energy are luxuries, so here are some tips that may help provide an idea for where to allocate our time and energy, and culminate in success (hopefully!). 1. Review and revise. This tip is pretty obvious. For most of us, in life and at Franklin, if you put the time and effort into preparation, you can succeed. If the reason why you did not succeed, is that you did not prepare well enough and tried to shove everything in your head 10 minutes before the exam, that is no excuse. People often say that success is about the process and less about the results. I still think the results are important, but if your process is successful, the

10 things to do during long weekends (at FUS)!

Welcome back (or welcome) to  Adventures at Franklin! A blog about the comings and goings of Franklin University Switzerland, written and curated by students. My name's Asa and I'm the new writer of this blog. If you wanna know more about me, then check out my first post: This past Friday, there were no classes due to the annual February break (not sure why we have a February break but I will gladly accept it). We are in the midst of a long weekend currently, and as you have read from the title, I will offer a few ideas for what to do during long weekends (at Franklin University Switzerland). I have Franklin University Switzerland in brackets because most of this list can really apply to any long weekend anywhere. What's ironic is that most Franklin students are not around campus during long weekends. So that leads to the first thing to do during a long weekend. 1. Travel . The majority of FUS stu

The Adventures Return

Welcome back or welcome to Adventures at Franklin ! It’s been exactly a year since the last post, but I promise it will not be a year till the next one! I won’t cover everything from the past year, but I will briefly recap the happenings of the Franklin community since entering the new decade. I may or may not also introduce myself at the end ;) as the proverbial blogging authorship torch has been passed to the next generation of Franklin, to yours truly.  Outside of Franklin, there are many talking points from this new decade. Just to name a few, there have been: historical moments (#Parasite), tragic deaths (#KB24), politics (#Brexit), and we are barely 8 weeks into 2020. Similarly, there are lots of things happening at FUS. It’s the start of spring semester which also means: Sadly, we lost some faces from last fall as they study abroad, return to their home institutions or move on to a new adventures, but we have some new faces on campus! According to -not the most reliable