Spring 2017 in Review

As the semester is coming to a close, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on some of the great events that took place during the past four months! Guest speakers and lecturers Franklin Speaker Series This series, held over the course of the 2016-17 academic year, brought experts from a variety of fields to Franklin to discuss relevant topics. These events help bring the community to Franklin, as they are open to the general public as well. This semester's guests were Dr. Roger Fayet (Director of the Swiss Institute for Art Research) and Dr. Thomas Girst (Head of Cultural Engagement, BMW Group) How Art Historians Construct(ed) Swiss Art by Dr. Roger Fayet, Director of the Swiss Institute for Art Research January 31, 2017 An Odyssey: A Father, A Son, and an Epic by Daniel Mendelsohn Franklin was happy to host the award-winning author for a book reading hosted by Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies with the support of the Jan Michalski F...