Spring Semester in Review Part 2: Tests and Responses

" Adversity builds character " -LeBron James, American Basketball Player. Welcome back or welcome to Adventures at Franklin . Here is part 2 of my spring 2020 semester recap. Check out part 1 here: http://adventuresatfranklin.fus.edu/2020/05/spring-2020-in-review-part-1-business.html I concluded part 1 with the first inklings that life may be impacted from COVID-19, and as we know now, life has been heavily impacted by the virus. At Franklin, so many things changed. The "travel" component of Academic Travel classes was cancelled, and instead special sessions on campus/around Switzerland would take place during the weeks of Academic Travel. These sessions were then cancelled as Switzerland announced that all public and private events were cancelled until April. In-person classes were suspended until further notice (which ended up being the rest of the semester). Many traditional Franklin events i.e. Holi, Senior Auction, Garden Party, Arab Night, Latin Amer...