6 Ways Studying Abroad Will Change Your Life!

As you might already know, Franklin students come from all around the world. We have our own student body and faculty to thank for creating this amazingly multicultural community. By living and learning among so many people with different backgrounds, we are constantly evolving and developing our perspectives. Academic Travel = studying abroad during your study abroad! I myself am a huge advocate for study abroad programs - I think everyone should be able to experience other cultures in this way. So I decided to write this post to explain some of the reasons that studying abroad is an invaluable experience everyone could benefit from. Here are six ways that studying abroad will change your life (for the better!): 1. You will learn how to become independent and rely on yourself. Navigating the unfamiliar can be difficult. Tasks like grocery shopping when you can't understand any of the languages on labels or figuring out a complicated metro system can be ch...