Summer Internships!

Downtown Lugano this past weekend! When I returned to Franklin this fall, I knew one of my first Adventures at Franklin posts would be a showcase of several Franklin student's summer internship experiences! I loved talking to these friends to find out what they learned over the course of summer 2015. Myself and other members of the FlashFunders team at an LA event I'll begin with what I was up to this summer. During my last college summer I lived in Los Angeles, California with a former Franklin student, and interned for an online equity funding platform in Santa Monica. I was one of the Investor Outreach and Marketing interns for FlashFunders , and worked closely with the business development and marketing teams. I focused mainly on curating and developing tools to educate companies and investors on the product and brand. It was a fantastic opportunity to apply what I've learned here at Franklin as a management and finance student in the workplace. I belie...