Professor Perspectives!

Hi everyone! This is a post I've been wanting to do for a while, as I may have mentioned once or twice, for me, the most amazing part of Franklin is the incredible, and I truly mean incredible, connections between students and faculty. These professors have taught me so much both inside the classroom and outside on Academic Travel over the past three years and I wanted to interview a few of my favorites to hear their Franklin perspectives! So here we go, and I hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed interviewing these professors! Many thanks to all of them for their time and thoughtful answers. It is a pleasure being your student. Professor Patrick Saveau Originally from: Lyon, France Pre-Franklin: PhD at New York University Length of time teaching at Franklin: 15 years Courses he teaches: French + Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies (CLCS) Classes Professor Saveau, what do you enjoy most about the Franklin Community? I enjoy st...